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gene activity中文是什么意思

用"gene activity"造句"gene activity"怎么读"gene activity" in a sentence


  • 基因活性


  • It is inconsistent to attribute such a short lag period to a result of an auxin effect on gene activity .
  • Cloning and identification of nf - b p50 rel homology domain and detection of its autonomous reporter gene activity
  • They compared gene activity in the placentas of healthy pregnant women to those of women with preeclampsia
  • Researchers found that high concentrations of salt in the stomach appear to induce gene activity in the ulcer - causing helicobacter pylori bacterium that causes it to become more virulent
  • The scientists used dna microarrays ? biochips with the ability to detect levels of gene activity inside cells or tissues - to study how salmonella survives in the body
    科学家利用dna微阵列技术来研究沙门氏菌在体内是如何存活的。 dna微阵列也就是生物芯片,它能够探测细胞或组织中基因的活动。
  • They show gene activity characteristic of such cells ? and , with appropriate prodding , will differentiate into all of the basic cell types found in embryos , which themselves lead to the specialised cells of a complete human body
  • They show gene activity characteristic of such cells ? and , with appropriate prodding , will differentiate into all of the basic cell types found in embryos , which themselves lead to the specialised cells of a complete human body
  • Rt pcr showed egfr and egf gene activity were upregulated at the time of blastocyst invasion and adhension , though this upregulation was not directly reflected in an increase in bioactivity egf receptor . at meanwhile , the research of cultured endometrium cell had
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